26 and a decade…

emmanuel faith
5 min readJun 1, 2024


An impeccable queen.

There was a clique of friends-three of them who moved together, went to classes together, and came to fellowship together. Three of them were unique but one has always fancied my attention. I wasn’t sure if it was her gorgeous gaze, gracious poise or how she led solos like the angels were sitting amongs the audience.
Well, weren’t they?

You were an editor- one of the calmest. I was an editor, one of the loudest. Working together was an experience; an unshakeable force meeting an immoveable object, but we made it work, like we have done over the last decade, like we always do after months of silence, we always make it work.
We produced a magazine that the alumni body kept on gushing about throughout the reunion, a wonder; our wonder.


Few months after.

A nudge… after which

Two bibliophiles converse endlessly in undulating tunes about old classics, meandering across Allan Quartermain, King Solomon Mines, and other Sir H Ridder Haggard’s Classics. We traverse memory lanes and compare Eze goes to school with Tales out of school, while laughing at the common phrase; Abule 6:0 , Elele 0.
We discover that we have a lot of things in common- an almost similar taste. From books to music, movies and artistes, everything that matter seemed to align.

180 minutes passes like 18 minutes and we decide to do it again, and did it 18 more times before you clocked 18.

This cake is 8 years old, can you believe that?

Adulting comes with growing wings, and with me, you flew. You flew to different layers of firmaments and always come back home, to meet me. We built our nests together and found solace when the chaos of failing grades and scorching cold at white wall attempted to blow us away.

We sang Anthem’s light-
Hold me
Pull me just a little bit closer
I don’t want to lose this moment
Your love has covered me

…at sports centre.
It was for God, it was for us.

We took lovely rides , with me being your passenger prince. Either it was SUV, Pajero, Tall cars or Fast cars; you drove any four-wheeled like your dad owned the street. Watching you drive a car is one of my favourite things to do, it still is.

throwback or throwaway? You have always been stunning.

…happened like vapour and smoke intoxicating a green environment while a seedling struggling to survive the layers of poisonous emission.


Our worlds are aparts but connected. We meander across tough choices, deal with the consequences and continue to nurture our bond while getting acquainted with the reality of the corporate life. We call at midnights, text on rainy days and stretch an arm of comfort amidsts life coarse surfaces. We survive.

At our fifth milestone, you vanish.

Bridges are built, and a year of silence morph gradually into pleasant cadences of calls, text messages, laughter and smiles. New times are old times and time never did pass, we were just passengers not noticing how static and steady love’s compass is.
We are redirected, we align in redirection.

You are the anchor holding our friendship, the pillar keeping us together. You are reminding me of how far we have come, and how far we have to go. You are telling me that a fall is not a knock out, I can always go again. You are showing up as my friend, a true friend.
I tell you life is more than work, you take my advice and visit your childhood dreams- I still want you to crochet me a top or is it a cardigan now?

We are open about us, and everything. You are in-tune with your feelings, you are trying to be vulnerable again, I am seeing the efforts. I wish you’d do more.
We are swimming through life’s tides and gliding though its tumultous waves. You are taking up new challenges, navigating new curves, exploring hobbies and being a boss-madam. Have you seen how cute and regal you look in those suits? You remind me of Suits’ Pearson, especially with your array of piercings and dangling earrings.


It’s a decade of friendship, a major milestone and another chance to go again.
Happy birthday Funmike, thanks for being my friend and for co-building our friendship.
Have an amazing year.

P:S- I am really super inspired by you, fascinated by your tenacity and challenges by your relaxed approach to life. I wished I could give you half of my anxiety in exchange of the serenity you radiate seamlessly.

Watching you grow has been an exciting experience for me and I am super-honored to be at the front-row seat of the exhilarating movie your life is becoming.

Happy birthday once again.

Je t’aime tres beaucoup!

Joyeux anniversaire ma jolie belle.



emmanuel faith

The world was made with words, I hope my words make the world more beautiful.